Through packaging of products, you’ll be able to transport them and get them onto the market. About 72% of people do say that packaging does influence their decisions, and if you’re not focusing on the packaging enough, you’re missing out on a ton of opportunities for brand promotion. Here, we’ll look at just why this is so important.
Is packaging that Important?
The short answer is yes, but packaging plays a huge role in a customer’s life, and also is critical for brand awareness’s sales, and marketing too.
This is something that protects the products when being transported, and it’s something that protects everything right up to when customers open up the product package. If this is destroyed or damaged for whatever reason, it alters the perception of what they think of the company, and it’s something that you’ll either have to refund or replace over time too.
Packaging is something that should be easy for a customer to open and offer a really good brand experience too. This also is used to help customers identify the kinds of products that you’re selling, through providing enough information in the images, texts, and other kinds of communication so that customers can determine what’s inside your package. The differences in terms of color and whatnot are also good for looking at different product models too that do play a role in this.
Logos, colors, fonts that are branded and whatnot also help customers identify the way a product is made, helping new customers learn about the brand and also improve the awareness of the brand. Packaging is a big part of brand awareness and brings the personality to the company that is delivering the product.
How it Increases sales
Since about 70% of shoppers say that packaging is a big part of their purchase, companies need to look at packaging not just from functioning, but also how they can use the marketing to properly impact sales. When customers get a bunch of choices in terms of products that are within the store or online itself, this is a huge factor in the decision of product packaging. When choosing the product to pull off to purchase, a lot of customers don’t have enough information to go off because unless they did research beforehand, they’re pretty much banking on what interests them and catches the eye. Some people may even buy a product just from the way it looks on a store shelf.
Once they pull it off, they read the label, and it’s important to offer the correct information in an easily digestible way. Packaging is the first impression that customers usually get, so you want to make sure that the packaging is good. High-quality packaging is something that customers will likely associate your brand with, so it’s vital to ensure that the packaging does reflect the products. When it does no, customers may not care enough, but if you are able to create good packaging that appeals, you can get customers from outside your normal area.
Packaging is great for brand awareness, in that you can put your logo and other parts of your packaging on there, with the package itself reflecting the brand too. When customers see this, it builds awareness, and they’ll definitely think of you when they buy. Customers also like it because they’ll want to take pictures and show this off, which does boost sales through the sharing of social media, and this is critical for unboxing. Product packaging matters, and here we went over just why that is, and the impact of packaging too.